Category: peace

When Peace Evaded Me, Where Was My God?

I tucked my legs beneath me in the corner of the sofa. Coffee steam rose from my favorite cup. I clutched my Bible to my chest and rested my head against the sofa’s back. My eyes closed while I tried to settle my spirit, but peace seemed like a distant desire with no relief in sight. I felt very troubled. Peace evaded me.

One of my favorite psalms began to flow from my heart and escape my lips:

Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer …

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Let Peace Rule in My Heart Lord. It’s a Free-for-All in There

Lord, Your Holy Spirit within me has planted the seed of Your peace deep in the recesses of my heart. It’s there. But I must LET peace rule in my heart — You don’t force it on me.

Let. That’s a big word contained in just three letters.

It tells me that I have a choice — to let peace rule in my heart … or not. It’s up to me.

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A Prayer When Worry Takes Your Breath away

Lord, I need Your peace — YOU are my peace. Please make Your presence known to me. In Your presence is unspeakable joy, resounding peace, and my worry melts away. In Your presence I am safe and secure — I am held by Your warm embrace and I can rest.

What a mighty God You are! You hung the stars in place. You tell the ocean how far it can come and on each new day, You make the sun burst through the darkness. What amazes me the most about You, though, is that when I am troubled and overcome by worry, You know and You respond.

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Can Peace Like a River Be Mine?

Out of the blue my spirit began to sing — not out loud, but like the still, small voice of the Lord …

When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, “It is well … it is well with my soul.”

I zeroed in on “peace like a river ATTENDETH my way.”

Weeks of sorrow brought on by grief over times gone by and now lost, were slowly drawing me into a pit. I could feel it. I knew it was happening, but I felt powerless against its grip.

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Finding God’s Presence ~ A Prayer for Peace When Clinging Desperately to the Cross

Lord, You are God of the whole earth, the Holy One of Israel. You have provided for us a covenant of peace — perpetual. Never-ending. Never-waivering. Always available for Your child.

Thank You for Your perfect peace that manifests so beautifully in the midst of life’s perfect storms — those times we cling desperately to the Cross. Unemployment. Broken relationships. Prodigal children. Terminal illness. Tragedies. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but You have promised to deliver us out of them all.

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Where is God When I Need His Peace?

Lord, You are my strength when I am weak. You are my peace when my spirit is disturbed. You are my song when I am weary. What would I do without you? If I shouted my praise to the highest mountain — it would not be enough. If I literally spent my life worshiping You from sunup to sundown — it would not be enough. You alone are worthy of all praise. It is You, Lord, that I love.

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