Category: Be Still and Know

From the Sweat of My Brow Transformation Meets Glory

I struggled through the fallen limbs and briars cluttering the mountain trail. Droplets trickled down my face from the sweat of my brow, the arduous journey almost over. The ridgetop was in view — a glorious transformation in sight. Just a little farther and the struggle would be worth it.

The height would offer a magnificent view of my beloved Blue Ridge Mountains.

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Searching For God? Call. Come. Pray

The broom raked across the hardwood floor, scattering breakfast crumbs in its wake. My body went through the motions of daily routine, but my mind was wandering through the murky waters searching for God.

Trials of life were taking their toll. Hope for a secure future raced down a road leading through dark shadows and angry branches of despair.

“Nan,” I heard the Lord whisper to my weary spirit, “Come and sit with Me awhile.”

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A Prayer When You Need to Hear From God

Lord, it is such a privilege to know You — a miracle, really. May we never take it for granted. You are Almighty God, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, and You are our friend.

You have promised that we will know Your voice, so why is it so hard? Why do we make it so hard? You pursue us with Your love. You delight in making Yourself known to us. You have trained us up as a child teaching us spiritual discernment, imparting to us Your wisdom — You have been a good Father.

And You have taught us to recognize Your voice. Help us to trust that voice, Lord.

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Finding God’s Presence ~ Listen to The Silence of The Morning Glory

Sunlight glistened in drops of dew as the morning glory awakened to the dawn. Night had transitioned to day as she waited to herald her Creator. Even though the night poured ebony ink across the meadow where she rested, God’s promise of a new day stirred within her. She waited in silence, petals closed like a shield against the chill of darkness, waiting for God’s glory to paint the sky.

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